Cooking is over
I have my soup
then go for a walk
I visit the geese
it snows
the party is over
the pond is frozen
the road has cracked
it's cold
yet life goes on
Buddy bears witness
then returns to prayer
as the world joyfully barrels downward
Cooking is over
I have my soup
then go for a walk
I visit the geese
it snows
the party is over
the pond is frozen
the road has cracked
it's cold
yet life goes on
Buddy bears witness
then returns to prayer
as the world joyfully barrels downward
Goodbye Delhi
Hello Rome
On to South Orange
where Buddy awaits
He has a girlfriend next door
I go for walks
enjoy the elements
crisp, cool
and undulating
The weather changes
casting a magic spell
Winter is here
Happy New Year
To Ahmedabad in search of emptiness
An empty house
with apples that lack appleness
a slide into emptiness?
a step into emptiness?
an empty room?
What is this kitchen empty of?
independent kitchenness?
Is bathroom just a name
we call a room in which we bathe?
Is beauty merely in the beholder’s eye?
Some are oblivious to it
while others delight
does it depend on maintenance?
or does it exist inherently?
evident among its parts?
even to our friends?
Prayer flags flutter above McLeod Ganj
where the meditators stay
Dr. Tseten Dorje helps others in tangible ways
and Shartse Khensur Rinpoche enjoys his cappuccino
I visit Dr. Kocchar in Delhi, he declares me well
Then to Ahmedabad with Gyume Khensur Rinpoche and Geshe Ngawang Norbu
to meet Pankaj Chandra, Vice Chancellor of Ahmedabad University and Ashok Thakur, former Indian Secretary of Education
The Buddhist Institute is signing a Memorandum of Association with Ahmedabad University,
A Grand Achievement!
which we must implement with Gandhian simplicity
I travel on to Hubli where there is marching in the streets
my friend Baba Sahib has retired
his son carries on the garland business
I drive through villages toward the monastery
Hunagunda Village has gone modern
though it retains some funk
Madame enjoys a middle way
The monastery is looking well
lush after monsoon
Dhakpa Gyaltsen trims weeds
Gen Sonam Temphel maintains discipline
Gen Wangdu administers
and our ladies keep things on track
I visit the Trithog Khang, headquarters of the Geluk Order
to see the new offices of our Buddhist Institute
designed and organized by Geshe-la
Somali comes to say hello, she works in our dairy, soon to be closed
as Gen Tashi Tsering was knocked down by a bull
In the monastery life goes on
and play
It’s nice to be back
and witness a new generation begin