A Salute to the New Year Nicholas Vreeland December 31, 2023 From the Bodhi Tree in Bodhgaya we salute the New Year!
It’s been a while Nicholas Vreeland November 20, 2023 From Rome to Paris to see friends their creations and enjoy the beauty Then on to New Jersey where I settle in to Kunkhyab Thardo Ling - The Tibet Center, as per Rinpoche’s instruction Tony has maintained the Center with Darren’s help I venture into NYC to see my brother my step brother and his wife my fellow photographer and monk and Wade, our lawyer friend I’m happy to return to New Jersey to my new pall, Buddy to tend my garden and welcome Serkonk Tsenshab Rinpoche I visit Geshe Yeshi Lhundup and his student and spend a weeked by the sea where Nuno cooks Then fall arrives I must move on to share some time with my Papa He eats well works hard hangs out with palls & pallettes and puts up with my camera It’s been a pleasure now time to move on back to the holy land, Bharat Mata Arrivederci Roma
Italy Nicholas Vreeland July 20, 2023 Holiday in Tuscany some effort is exerted a swim a walk lunch an evening drink and a drive to Lucca for some fun and a visit to the anfiteatro Bruno has looked after us well we stop in Pisa then home to the dog little outings around the neighborhood with stops for holy coolth and home to rest then, saved by Salvator Mundi after a bump on the head much rest the fruit is ripe Sandra returns and exhibits her devotion
Rome To See My Father Nicholas Vreeland June 6, 2023 I go to Rome to see my father who turns 96 in a few days He’s prepared determined enthusiastic, with Sandra at his side well fed rested and fit They’re constantly on the move He likes to read and tea with the professor I go for walks along the Tiber I light a candle to Sant' Antonio and breakfast with the Walking Photographer who teaches me the 28 Closer! I try though not like Eolo then home Ah, Rome a blessed place!