A sudden trip to Delhi...

A return to Jangpura, where I hadn’t been in years.  Taxi drivers I must have known as children

A return to Jangpura, where I hadn’t been in years.  Taxi drivers I must have known as children

Their fathers who refused to use their meters

Their fathers who refused to use their meters

and rickshaw cyclists

and rickshaw cyclists

who work through thick and thin,

who work through thick and thin,

I took refuge in the neighborhood dive

I took refuge in the neighborhood dive

cared for by its kind owner

cared for by its kind owner

and dropped in on old neighborhood friends

and dropped in on old neighborhood friends

Then took my camera for a walk

Then took my camera for a walk

through different neighborhoods

through different neighborhoods

and parks

and parks

To Old Delhi… no time for ear cleaning

To Old Delhi… no time for ear cleaning

or even a shave

or even a shave

But found a hidden path upward, I suppose

But found a hidden path upward, I suppose


The monastery is overgrown

The monastery is overgrown

our new pavilion well cured

our new pavilion well cured

the painter prepares the painting that will adorn its back wall

the painter prepares the painting that will adorn its back wall

Things must be kept clean and tidy

Things must be kept clean and tidy

as jungle creeps in

as jungle creeps in

Young monks prepare for their memorization exams

Young monks prepare for their memorization exams

and others work

and others work

Our administrator prepares our new science room

Our administrator prepares our new science room

all under the gaze of our new disciplinarian

all under the gaze of our new disciplinarian

whom some fear

whom some fear

though not all!

though not all!

All is well at Rato Dratsang

All is well at Rato Dratsang

It's hot in the monastery...

This little fellow looks for some water

This little fellow looks for some water

And this one uses water

And this one uses water

as this poor fellow is made to memorize

as this poor fellow is made to memorize

before he joins his friend for a moment of play

before he joins his friend for a moment of play

Most of us remain indoors

Most of us remain indoors

Shielding ourselves from the intense sun

Shielding ourselves from the intense sun