Mandalay Nicholas Vreeland November 8, 2017 Following recent pix of recent friends… a journey to laid back Mandalay City of Buddhas standing seated where couples visit temples to show respect to men of the cloth Abbots and their retinue and younger ones devoted to their calling I attended an International literary festival Authors and readers many wearing war paint some modestly others with abandon And fellow photographers as well as little Buddhas
We all need friends Nicholas Vreeland November 8, 2017 Simon and Melissa Gareth Ajit David and Robin Sunita with MaryAnna Satish Don Sister Pradeep Martin Sonam Josef Peter and Jangchub
Amritsar, laid back Nicholas Vreeland October 4, 2017 It’s a laid back place with an old world charm Exemplified by the gracious generosity of my host and old friend Ajit Mehra, owner of the Ritz Hotel over which Lord Krishna presides Yes, people are laid back in Amritsar Siesta is still a respected tradition by all
Dinner at the Golden Temple Nicholas Vreeland October 3, 2017 Photography thrives at night But food comes first Everyone is served and all take turns serving chapatis and dal and water Then comes the cleaning up followed by digestion the guards protect us as evening prayers are said and finally a little sweeping up