A Trip to the Holy Land

Pilgrims from around the world visit Bodh Gaya

where Siddhartha Gautama attained the state of Buddhahood

while meditating below the Body Tree

He was a normal human being, like us

however he persevered in his pursuit of truth

shunning the limelight

and worldly pursuits

This little fellow has come from Sri Lanka

from where a sampling was brought that has grown into today's tree

there are many reliquaries around the tree

and shrines

well protected

though from what I do not know

It’s a peaceful place

We are staying at the Mahayana

where renovations are underway

we are well looked after

Tempa-la, Pempa-la, Khensur Rinpoche and I

We have come for the upcoming Dalai Lama Center for Tibetan and Indian Ancient Wisdom

the land is blessed by Maitreya, the Future Buddha

we inspect the site

many columns have sprouted since our last visit

but work is slow; whattodo?

Maybe a cup of tea would help

Karma-la requests a path be made

to avoid the mud

Each morning we pay respects to this ancient statue at the place where Gautama Buddha sat 2,600 years ago

And then we depart

leaving our project in the hands of the engineers, Sangpo-la and Pempa-la

Soon on to Gaggal

and finally to the magical world of Dharamsala

where the clouds roll in

Mother India

The Tibet Center is in Tony’s able hands

as I’m in India

where I’ve had my head shaved

ordered new specs

and drunk a coconut, now payable with Paytm!

Delhi is swept

cows are fed

the generator works

and streets are repaired

There is a rhythm to life

harmonized with faith

each in our own way

Self confidence is vital

as we proceed

toward the future

Suburban Life

Suburban life

we enjoy

I say my prayers

friends say Hi

flowers bloom

meals are simple

Buddha is pleased

I walk

visit friends

by the pond

then back

to 502

I go to meet Eddie one last time

then to the Tibet Center on Bowery and Houston

My father visits New Jersey

and Sandra meditates

In Chinatown Alexander is feted

all celebrate his 69th

then home

where life is steady

under Rinpoche’s gaze

Taiwan to the Oranges

Oolong in Taiwan

and a walk in the fields

then an exhibition hosted by the Wu sisters

at their Letterpress Teahouse

I meet my namesake, Nicholas

who learns to fly

at a jolly Sun-Moon Lake retreat

Life moves steadily in Taiwan

Now back in New Jersey

where we prepare to welcome Ling Rinpoche

who visits our Tibet Center, Kunkhyab Thardo Ling, Land Pervaded by Seekers of Liberation

Rinpoche’s predecessor named us

now Rinpoche guides us

The blossoms bloom

and Rinpoche departs

I travel to the City

to visit Jimmy who mourns dear Ling

Patrick has returned to help his father

At home the blossoms fall

and leaves appear

Then to Long Island

Louse Point

where all is still

very still

Pam insists I see the beach

before attending Sheila Isham’s memorial

Beckers unite to celebrate her life

And then some time with my friend John

who toils away at his extraordinary endeavor

buttressed by love

I return home

and prepare to discuss secular ethics

The trees are dancing