Oolong in Taiwan
and a walk in the fields
then an exhibition hosted by the Wu sisters
at their Letterpress Teahouse
I meet my namesake, Nicholas
who learns to fly
at a jolly Sun-Moon Lake retreat
Life moves steadily in Taiwan
Now back in New Jersey
where we prepare to welcome Ling Rinpoche
who visits our Tibet Center, Kunkhyab Thardo Ling, Land Pervaded by Seekers of Liberation
Rinpoche’s predecessor named us
now Rinpoche guides us
The blossoms bloom
and Rinpoche departs
I travel to the City
to visit Jimmy who mourns dear Ling
Patrick has returned to help his father
At home the blossoms fall
and leaves appear
Then to Long Island
Louse Point
where all is still
very still
Pam insists I see the beach
before attending Sheila Isham’s memorial
Beckers unite to celebrate her life
And then some time with my friend John
who toils away at his extraordinary endeavor
buttressed by love
I return home
and prepare to discuss secular ethics
The trees are dancing