Happy Thanksgiving

From Taiwan…

From Taiwan…

where I’ve been interviewed by the Taipei Times' Yuanting Yang and photographed by Chiaming Chang

where I’ve been interviewed by the Taipei Times' Yuanting Yang and photographed by Chiaming Chang

before going to Hemei

before going to Hemei

where trees need trimming

where trees need trimming

and friends make momos

and friends make momos

Then to Chiayi to visit Doctor Li and check on knee

Then to Chiayi to visit Doctor Li and check on knee

And on to Kaohsiung to teach and be merry

And on to Kaohsiung to teach and be merry

before some golf with pro

before some golf with pro

and host, Wei Kai

and host, Wei Kai

in who’s home we had a feast!

in who’s home we had a feast!

some things less recognizable than others

some things less recognizable than others

But much enjoyed

But much enjoyed

by all

by all

Now in the mountains

Now in the mountains

where the spiders roam

where the spiders roam

birds fly

birds fly

ducks quack

ducks quack

and nature does its string thing

and nature does its string thing

Wishing you all a happy Thanksgiving

Wishing you all a happy Thanksgiving

With so munch thanks to all for all your giving!!Photo by Chiaming Chang

With so munch thanks to all for all your giving!!

Photo by Chiaming Chang