The journey continues

Permission to photograph!!!

Permission to photograph!!!

in the Mahabodhi Temple

in the Mahabodhi Temple

the image of the Buddha, created, it is said, by a celestial artist during the life of Gautama Buddha

the image of the Buddha, created, it is said, by a celestial artist during the life of Gautama Buddha

at the place where he sat beneath the Bodhi Tree and attained enlightenment

at the place where he sat beneath the Bodhi Tree and attained enlightenment

Rinpoche reads the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment

Rinpoche reads the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment

then visits the place where the Buddha spent six years

then visits the place where the Buddha spent six years

leading a life of austerity

leading a life of austerity

A young girl offered him boiled milk and rice

A young girl offered him boiled milk and rice

We need to be healthy to practice, help others...

We need to be healthy to practice, help others...

and proceed along the middle path,

and proceed along the middle path,

accepting life's challenges

accepting life's challenges

The Buddha traveled to Rajgir

The Buddha traveled to Rajgir

up to Vultures’ Peak, where he taught the Wisdom Sutras

up to Vultures’ Peak, where he taught the Wisdom Sutras

on the lack of an inherently existent self

on the lack of an inherently existent self

Form is empty, emptiness is form; form is none other than emptiness, emptiness is non other than form...

Form is empty, emptiness is form; form is none other than emptiness, emptiness is non other than form...

And on to Vaishali

And on to Vaishali

Korean Buddhists chant and bow

Korean Buddhists chant and bow

before the Buddha’s ashes

before the Buddha’s ashes

and the stupa where relics are protected by Ashoka’s lion pillar

and the stupa where relics are protected by Ashoka’s lion pillar

Then to Hampi to meet old friends...

Then to Hampi to meet old friends...

well pampered

well pampered

It is the 14th century capital of the Vijayanagar Empire

It is the 14th century capital of the Vijayanagar Empire

A natural spot for a picture

A natural spot for a picture

a family portrait

a family portrait

with holy elephant

with holy elephant

holy cow

holy cow

holy bull

holy bull

holy monkey

holy monkey

holy self, the source of all our troubles!!!

holy self, the source of all our troubles!!!

And so, we follow our Master along the path to enlightenment

And so, we follow our Master along the path to enlightenment