Dharamsala Portraits Nicholas Vreeland March 30, 2021 Rato Khyongla Rinpoche Chuwar Rinpoche, reincarnation of the late Abbot of Rato Monastery, with his Chanzo Norman Jeremy Jakob John Bellezza French Marianne, the Venerable Tenzin Kunkyi A friend Kotwalli shop keeper welding Jeweler Kashmiri porter dry cleaner Indru Naagi friends Gentleman from Indru Naag Sir and Madam on a Naddi walk Naddi tea maker Sapna is also from Naddi Saini Kumar and family are from Khanyara Saini in his photo studio Barbee Dhauladhar Head Waiter his staff and a competing restaurant waiter Barnet tea stall owner her daughter our neighbors And me